How to calculate CAS EE and TOK?

11 December, 2020
How to calculate CAS EE and TOK – International Baccalaureate (IB) is taught at many international schools from Europe to Asia. Therefore, how to calculate CAS EE and TOK?

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IB program

IB program consists of 6 subject groups:

  • First language
  • Second language
  • Individuals and societies
  • Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Arts

In addition, students also need to complete 3 core requirements:

  • Complete Extended Essay (EE) 4,000 words.
  • Participate in the course “Theory of Knowledge” (TOK).
  • Join in activities “Creativity, Action and Service” (CAS).

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IB scale maximum score for each subject is 7. Students may receive an additional 3 points from the results of EE and TOK. Therefore, the absolute score of the IB program is 45.

Conditions for receiving IB diploma are achieve at least 24 points for a total of 6 subjects and complete 3 core requirements: EE, TOK, CAS.

How to calculate CAS EE and TOK?

  • CAS: Require to take part in a range of experiences and at least one project.
  • TOK: Assess through an oral presentation and a 1,600 word essay.
  • EE: Self-direct piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper.

For more: How to prepare for the IB exam tips?

This table shows exactly which grade in EE and TOK corresponds to what marks out of 3. CAS is not assessed but must be completed in order to pass the diploma. As long as you pass CAS, you’re eligible for a diploma.

TOK and EE are graded A–E, with A being the highest grade and E being the lowest grade. These two grades are then combined in the diploma points to contribute between 0 and 3 points to the total.


  • CAS is mandatory.
  • There is no grade E awarded for TOK and EE.
  • There is no grade 1 in 2 subjects.
  • Students have to get minimum 3 and maximum 6 points in both subjects.
  • If students get A or B in both subjects, students definitely pass.
  • If students get C or D points in one subject, the opposite will be true of those D or C, respectively.

Students should focus on necessary elements so as to know how to calculate CAS EE and TOK correctly which passes the examination. 

For more: How to practice IB Business Management past papers? – A place to share experiences of learning international programs such as IBAPA-levelIGCSEGED If you have any questions, please contact directly by email or hotline for free advice.

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